
Internet searches for this Danish rooted concept, particularly on Pinterest, have considerably boosted as of late and this trend is officially IN. Pronounced “hoogah,” the idea of Hygge embodies all things simple and cozy. It means warm foods, soft blankies, flickering candles and extra comfy everything. We can definitely cuddle up to this new trend!


Like recent celebrities, you will be on trend by adding a bright lime, warm emerald, or deep forest green to your home in any which way this spring. From wall paint to rugs, it will be everywhere. The color is also said to attract money and abundance! Who wouldn’t want that?


2016 was brass overload but now copper seems to be the popular choice. Whether the metal touch is as slight as a small light fixture, or used as a bold room center piece, copper is in.


Single Time Period Styles

It’s all about the mix and match. Quirky, futuristic looking pieces mixed with antiques give a room the look of diversity. According to interior designers, sticking to a single time period is so out.

Cheaply Made or DIY Items

Professional woodwork and items that require a great deal of skill to create will be invested in more heavily this spring. People are even resorting to high priced antique furniture because of the quality that has proved to last over time. Although precious and thrifty, a DIY or low price piece can wear away more quickly, which is more of a hassle in the end.