Photography by Sergio Olivas 

What do you specialize in?

Family Medicine

How do you stay current with advancements and changes in medical practices and technologies?

Advancements in medical practices and technologies occur on a daily basis. Basing care on the most current evidence-based practices ensures patients are receiving the best possible care. Continuing education by reading peer-reviewed medical journals and attending conferences are the best ways of staying abreast of current practices and implementing them into practice while caring for our patients.

Can you provide an example of how you’ve implemented new knowledge or techniques into your clinical practice? 

With the integration of predictive analytics and personalized medicine as a Primary Care Provider, we screen patients for diseases or conditions based on their individual genetic makeup, lifestyle factors, and medical history. This allows for more targeted and proactive interventions, such as lifestyle modification plans and early interventions, ultimately leading to better health outcomes for patients. 

Communication is key in the doctor-patient relationship. Can you discuss a time when you had to convey complex medical information to a patient or their family in a way that they could easily understand? How did you ensure effective communication and understanding?

We recently had a patient diagnosed with lymphoma and informed the patient of her medical condition as clearly as possible using everyday words that are easy to understand. This includes information about the system affected, its usual function, its current disease and most importantly, what comes next on her treatment.   

In healthcare, teamwork is essential. Can you share an experience where you had to collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care for a patient? What was your role, and how did you contribute to the team’s success?

As physicians, we encounter a lot of patients with incomplete information regarding their conditions and treatment. We think the best approach is to listen to the patients and when we confirm their diagnosis, we explain to them in a simple way so they can understand their diseases and that helps to control their conditions better.

Dealing with uncertainty is a common aspect of medicine. How do you approach situations where there is ambiguity or incomplete information regarding a patient’s condition or treatment plan? Can you give an example of a time when you navigated such uncertainty effectively?

If a specialist discovers a new issue during a consultation, they can promptly inform the PCP, who can then adjust the treatment plan or schedule additional tests or appointments as needed.

What do you want readers to know about you?

We are driven to provide excellent patient care and work as a team to treat each member of the community like our own family.

Primary Care Medical Partners
1550 N Zaragoza Rd Suite A-107