By: Jacqueline Aguirre

The-City-Weddings365 days out in the year and it’s tough having to settle on one particular day to celebrate the most exciting moment of your  life. If you’ve been waiting for this day since you were a child, clipping photos from magazines and wearing your bed sheets like a wedding dress, then I’m sure you’ve had your heart set on a date already; but for those who are still freaking out over the massive number of days to choose from, there are some days you may want to avoid when it comes to your wedding.

Holiday Weekends

The-City-Weddings2017This may sound like a great idea because you have more time to celebrate (and recover), and more guests may have more time off, but think of costs over those same holiday weekends- hotels are at a higher cost per night, as are plane tickets. As guests may have a hard time budgeting for such an eventful day, you may want to rethink it depending on your guest list.

Religious & Cultural Holidays

Aside from possible restrictions at your place of worship, many venues may be closed in celebration of that holiday.

Days of Remembrance

Days like, 9/11, or D-Day are saved for mourning and remembering. You’re better off saving your special day for a happier day.

Unlucky Dates

For the superstitious, the not so superstitious, (and even the ones not taking any chances), unlucky days are ones such as the “Ides of March”, Friday the 13th, or even leap year dates. Either way, I wouldn’t risk it!The-City-Weddings-magazine2017