‘Grounds’ for Celebration

‘Grounds’ for Celebration

Story and Photos byAnnabella Mireles Additional photography courtesy ofRamon Parada   If you happen to have gone to the Enrique Moreno County Courthouse these past few months, you may have seen a boarded-up section on the third floor with a poster that reads...
A ‘Reel’ Good Time

A ‘Reel’ Good Time

ByNicole DeRouen   Have you ever been truly bored? The sitting-at-home-staring-at-the-wall kind of bored, the kind that has you wondering why there aren’t more things to do? The kind of boredom that has you desperate to hang with friends but nowhere to go? Well,...
El Paso in Focus

El Paso in Focus

ByErin Coulehan Photography courtesy ofEl Paso Film Festival   As filmmakers and audiences converge on El Paso each year, they’re not just celebrating cinema; they’re embracing the power of storytelling to transcend borders and unite communities. Since its...