By: Marie Moore Some of the perks associated with reaching a certain age can be better paychecks, a little extra time on the weekend and a greater appreciation for fresh air and good fun. Right? So, why is it that just as many of us are finding our golf ‘legs’, Mother...
Losing a Pet

Losing a Pet

By: Marie Moore Losing a pet is always traumatic, no matter what age we are. Personally though, I believe it’s harder for those of us over 50. For starters, a lot of us are empty nesters. As much as I loved our wonderful dog, I remember how busy I was with my daughter...
Baby Boomers and Hepatitis C

Baby Boomers and Hepatitis C

By: Neha Sharma Baby boomers, have you been tested for  Hepatitis C?  If not, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you get tested now. Hepatitis C is an infection caused by the  Hepatitis C virus that attacks the liver and leads to...
Finding Joy

Finding Joy

By: Marie Moore Put down your phones, step away from the computer screen, turn off the video game and remove those earbuds. Click off the power button on all your remote controls and unplug. Disconnect.  Work with me people, we’re just getting started!  Forget about...
Retire to Adventure

Retire to Adventure

BY: Margo Lepe Seniors can be adding years to their life. Dr. David Lipschitz agrees, claiming seniors who travel live longer. Most working Americans are restricted yearly to a two-week vacation time; on the other hand, retired seniors have more flexibility and the...