By: Ladonna Apodaca


Doris Hagans Schwartz - Founder of WILLPORT and WILLPORTTRUST


Although born and raised in El Paso, Doris Schwartz’s career in accounting and finance took her to San Diego, California, over 30 years ago. During all those years, Doris never lost contact with the city she would always embrace as her hometown. A graduate of Coronado High School and the daughter of a retired teacher, who taught at El Paso High for over 40 years, Doris decided when her mother turned 80 that it was time to move her to San Diego and into the family home. For the next 15 years, Doris had the personal task of sending gift cards, greeting cards, and presents to all of her mother’s 15 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Holidays and birthdays meant at least 30 gifts and cards a year. A daunting task, to say the least!

During this time, Doris thought, “Wouldn’t it make life so much easier if there was a way to electronically plan and execute all the details of gifting for this multitude of people and occasions? It would be so easy,” she thought, “if someone could automate the means by which we can be reminded, schedule and deploy the delivery of personalized cards, money, and gifts to arrive on time … every time and never miss an important date again.”


Doris Hagans Schwartz - Founder of WILLPORT and WILLPORTTRUST


It was living through this responsibility that created the idea that became WILLPORT. Just recently launched, nationwide, via the App Store and Google Play, WILLPORT is currently the first app of its kind, that securely connects, schedules, and sends gifts easily to family and friends.

As a complement to WILLPORT, WILLPORTtrust will soon be added to Doris’ portfolio as the first deployment platform that will allow for the electronic scheduling and transferring of money with attached gifts and memories, now and over an extended period-of-time. Participants will be able to select a plan that is customized for their chosen stage in life, then dictate when and how they would like to share and celebrate life’s special moments. Again, inspired by the memory of her mother, Doris realized that aging people had no way to easily disperse their retirement funds and savings to their beneficiaries. Now, WILLPORTtrust will fulfill that need, thereby dispersing those funds along with personal messages and gifts after the loved one has passed on.