Fresh Beginnings: From Farm to Table
JLEP has partnered with the YMCA in an effort to strengthen the El Paso community through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility through Fresh Beginnings, a project that incorporates community education and participation in selecting, growing, and preparing nutritious meals. The project will focus on areas in El Paso where many live below the poverty level.
Building Connections
JLEP is focused on “Building Connections” through Parent Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT). PCIT is an evidence based parent-child treatment program for young children, ages 2-7 years, who experience emotional and behavioral problems (e.g. temper tantrums, hitting, kicking, not following directions). Children exposed to traumatic events such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence are served by this project. The program’s focus is to improve the relationship between the caregiver and child through developing positive and supportive communications, and modifying behavior patterns through teaching effective discipline and supportive communication, and modifying behavior patterns through teaching effective discipline and child management skills.
By: Clarissa De La Torre and Kim McGlone
In 1901, the Junior League for the Promotion of Settlement Movements was founded by 19 year-old New York debutante, Mary Harriman. Unable to ignore the suffering she observed among immigrants living on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, she organized a group of 80 young women to improve child health, nutrition, and literacy in those neighborhoods. The passion and dedication of those young women sparked a movement that has become one of the largest and most effective volunteer organizations in the world, the Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI). AJLI coordinates 291 Leagues throughout four countries and has a collective membership of over 150,000 women. Together, their dedicated volunteers continue to tackle the toughest and most critical issues facing their communities.
As the Junior League of El Paso, Inc. (JLEP) enters into its 85th year of service to the El Paso community, this commitment stays at the forefront through the effective action and leadership of our trained volunteers. In response to input from our El Paso community and direction from our Junior League women, the impact area for our 2017-2018 projects focuses on promoting the awareness and embracing of Mental and Physical Health through projects such as Fresh Beginnings: From Farm to Table, Building Connections, Girls Going the Distance, and Spotlight on Mental Health.
Girls Going the Distance
Girls on the Run International is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams. JLEP committee members will partner with the Center Against Sexual and Family Violence (CASFV) to bring a Girls on the Run council to El Paso. JLEP committee members will then team with female participants in 3rd-8th grades from CASFV in a mentoring relationship centered on running. The program will teach life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons, and running games. Running is used to inspire and motivate the girls, encourage lifelong health and fitness, and build confidence through accomplishment. In addition, important social, psychological, and physical skills and abilities are developed and reinforced throughout the project.
Spotlight on Mental Health
Emergence Health Network (EHN) in collaboration with JLEP and cooperation from local television stations, proposes to produce a special television “Community Mental Health” program that aims to reduce the stigma associated with mental health illnesses. This project will provide El Pasoans information regarding the availability of local resources for the early identification and treatment of mental health illnesses, the opportunity to have questions answered by a panel of mental health professionals, and insights into events and programming for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD).
JLEP is a nonprofit organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community. For more than 80 years, JLEP has led efforts to improve the El Paso community through numerous and various projects implemented by our dedicated volunteers and with financial support from the community. We invite you to support these projects by attending our fundraising events. JLEP kicks off the “Merry & Bright” holiday season as we proudly present the 44th year of “A Christmas Fair” in November – our largest and longest running fundraiser. Then join us again in April for the 7th annual “Storytellers” – a unique concert experience. If you are interested in joining JLEP or have questions about any of our projects, please visit www.jlep.org or call (915) 584-3511.