Gold Winners: GECU 

GECU’s main priority has always been the financial well-being of the community. The credit union works hard to elevate the community and to provide endless opportunities for everyone to accomplish their financial goals. El Paso is GECU’s driving force in creating new, innovative and convenient ways for the community to manage their finances. At the core of their mission, GECU is dedicated to providing the community with accessible, superior financial products and services that can pave the way for financial success.

GECU is a leader in innovative banking projects that bring virtual loan officers, hybrid teller/ATM machines, accessible products and neighborhood branches to every part of the Borderland. The credit union stays active in the community by providing free financial seminars, free online financial tools, and by being the leader of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program that offers free tax filing for the entire community.

GECU has remained true to the credit union philosophy of people helping people since its founding in 1932. For more than 87 years, GECU has served its community through various free financial education programs and is currently the largest locally owned credit union in El Paso.



1225 Airway Blvd

El Paso, Texas 79925

(915) 778-9221


Federally insured by NCUA.