Matthew James Kozik, Esq., first passed through El Paso while completing training at Fort Bliss on his way to Afghanistan. After returning, he was stationed at Fort Bliss, spending two years as a prosecutor at the Army’s largest installation and completely falling in love with the city.
After being stationed in El Paso, Mr. Kozik completed additional military assignments, eventually returning to Washington, D.C. where he studied law to begin his criminal practice. However, it only took a few months for Mr. Kozik to realize D.C. was no longer home. It was at this time he called Kristian Urbina, the firm’s backbone and senior paralegal with over ten years of experience, and Gloria Carrasco, the firm’s office manager, about opening a practice in El Paso dedicated to immigration law and military defense.
It only took a few conversations for the idea of The Matthew James, PLLC. to materialize, with offices opening in El Paso at the Cortez Building and in D.C. With the words “we care” on the wall of their conference room, it is clear this firm is dedicated to a different practice of law. As one listens to their radio show on La Zeta or Madre Radio, their compassion for those seeking legal assistance is notable, as is their commitment to providing quality legal representation.
The Matthew James PLLC
310 N Mesa St., Ste. 810
El Paso, Texas 79901
(915) 303-8062
Photographed by: LUIS MARIANO