Healthcare Professionals: Health Corner Pediatrics

  El Paso’s newest pediatricians, doctors Yezika Delgado-Rios and Marisol Valdes, have the knowledge and experience necessary to improve your child’s health. They truly believe when you impact the life of a child, you can make an incredible difference in their future...

Healthcare Professionals: Dr. Aamr Arif Herekar

  Dr. Aamr Arif Herekar completed his neurology residency in Albuquerque, New Mexico then completed sub-specializations in sleep medicine and epilepsy at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. After moving to the Sun City, he saw the need for neurologists and for an epilepsy...

Healthcare Professionals: 8 Hour Sleep Clinic

 8 Hour Sleep Clinic was founded by CEO, Christopher Arriola in 2016. What started as a six-bed clinic has now grown into a 18-bed operation, spanning over three locations. Accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 8 Hour Sleep Clinic specializes in the...