Teaching Skills the “Oso Good” Way

Teaching Skills the “Oso Good” Way

By: Brenda Casteñeda High school is supposed to prepare teenagers for adulthood. Too often, however, traditional course syllabuses fail to give students the necessary skills needed to succeed outside of the classroom. Progressive educators around the world have taken...
Chuck Ruhmann – Connecting Those in Need

Chuck Ruhmann – Connecting Those in Need

By: Zak Hansen To help others—it’s that principle that guides Chuck Ruhmann, in both his professional and personal life. As one of the area’s best-recognized personal injury lawyers, Chuck has fought for his clients for more than 15 years. A graduate of Baylor...
El Paso Passage

El Paso Passage

By: Hope Alegre Photos By: Brian WanchoLight art, also referred to as luminism, is spread across destinations around the world. It is an applied art form that draws the eye and manipulates light, color and shadow. They are oftentimes the photo worthy destination of...
Benny Franks

Benny Franks

By: Kristin BrownPhotos By: Jesse MaynesJust driving up to Benny Franks is a visual statement in itself. Their grand appearance makes their presence not only known, but felt. The bold logo lights up vividly along with the green hue from the top container windows....